We can only ship to a destination within South Africa.

Orders are sent via Postnet or courier (We use The Courier Guy). The Postnet shipping price is calculated on the Postnet to Postnet option and the buyer will have to collect at their closest Postnet branch.

Door-to-door courier cost is charged as a flat rate depending on the area of delivery.

Orders are dispatched within 7 days of the order being placed and will take between 2 and 4 days to reach you after dispatch. In case we cannot ship within the given timeframe, you will be contacted with alternative arrangements. In order to avoid plants having to stay over in a warehouse over weekends, we usually dispatch plants on Mondays and Tuesdays only to allow for enough time to reach the buyer. Orders received on a Tuesday or later will only be dispatched the following week.

You may also choose to collect the plants at on of our open days at the nursery or at one of the shows we are attending. Please specify accordingly. Orders placed for collection at a show must reach us at least 5 days before a show in order for us to have the plants ready at the show where you intend to collect.

Plants grown in plastic pots will be shipped in pot (except in some cases where it would add too much unnecessary bulk/weight to the parcel).

Plants shipped in spike/in bud: We will gladly ship plants in spike/bud. We believe our method of packing to be the best available. Most of the time, plants arrive intact, however, due to handling by carriers beyond our control, we cannot guarantee all flowers/buds will arrive in perfect condition. We will not replace plants that arrive with damaged buds or flower spikes. These plants will bloom again with proper care.

Tracking details of your order, will be sent via e-mail, once the order has been dispatched. The responsibility lies with the buyer to follow up on the delivery with the courier or Postnet and notify PLAN TAE (PTY) LTD if there is a delay in delivery.

We will not be liable if plants are not collected promptly or if correct delivery information is not supplied by the buyer. Plants will be packed with care and to the best of our ability. PLAN TAE (PTY) LTD have no control over the handling of the package by the courier or the delivery.

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